Body Corporate ManagerIssues

Managers that say one thing – but do another

Worked through a stressful changeover of a small Body Corporate this month.  The exiting Body Corporate Manager (Brisbane central city based) was refusing to handover the books until the lot owners made prepayments.  Seems that there was enough money for the insurance that was falling due or for the final Manager fees but not both!  My recommendation was that the exiting Manager pay the insurance (surely in the interests of the Body Corporate) and that they invoice the Body Corporate for the outstanding monies which would be paid once the Body Corporate had sufficient funds.  The Director, in complete contradiction of their ‘Strata Community Australia client contract’ and also in violation of the Act, told me verbally that they would not release the books until there was sufficient funds to pay their fees.  Tracsafe would never act in such an unprofessional way which is why clients choose to use us and why they stay with us.  Tracsafe stands behind the professional service that we deliver.  We choose to act in the professional interest of our clients and in accordance with the Act.