Change our scheme’s Community Management Statement (CMS)
Are you part of a committee wanting to update your CMS?
We can help you no matter whether you are self-managed or even fully managed by another body corporate manager. The usual reasons for updating a CMS are –
- For less than 6 lots, you want to change your regulation from standard to small schemes to benefit from less compliance.
- For any scheme, you are wanting to update your by-laws.
When should we proceed
You can purchase our service by clicking through on the link below. It is acceptable to pay half upfront and half just prior to when we submit the revised CMS to the Titles Office.
Where’s the fine print
In order for us to complete this task, there needs to be a contract that appoints us as a body corporate manager with a very narrow set of duties sufficient for us to complete the task of getting your new CMS registered. Read our contract.
How much will it cost?
The cost to submit to the Titles Office is an inclusion of the price. However, there can be additional costs as stated in our contract if you can not provide a common seal or current CMS of your scheme. Please review our contract terms.