Best practice

April 2024 – Body corporate police

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Fun fact! There are no body corporate policemen. The Queensland Body Corporate and Community Management (BCCM) legislation is overwhelming. The Act combined with the associated regulation together exceeds 600 pages. The documentation is extremely prescriptive. For a self managed scheme, this can be very helpful so that committees can use the documentation to administer their […]


January 2024 – Body corporate account reconstruction

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We’ve just finished successfully setting up a new DIY client who has terminated their existing body corporate manager. Unfortunately, this was done just prior to the end of the financial year of the body corporate and we were required to reconstruct in excess of 300 transactions. The prior body corporate manager was not helpful and […]


June 2023 – DIY Body Corporate and BPAY for levy payments

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We recently added support for levy payment by BPAY for our DIY bodies corporate.  However, the issue of bank expenses for the body corporate will be difficult to justify for many small bodies corporate.  Firstly, there is a bank setup fee, typically $150.  Then there are monthly banking charges, typically $10 per month.  Lastly, there are individual transaction […]


December 2022 – Short term letting

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Many schemes in South East Queensland have had issues with lot owners leasing their lots using AirBNB or other similar service providers. The BCCMA prohibits by-laws that restrict the leasing of units or restrict the type of residential use that can be made of the unit. By-laws seeking to prohibit the short term letting of […]