FAQ about our self managed body corporate software service

Is DIY-BC for me?

How many lots make this service cost effective?
We are certain that all body corporates (two lots or more) can benefit. The price of this service is a fraction of what you will pay a body corporate Manager yet it provides support for many of the functions that they provide. Without this software service you will spend many more hours getting your records sorted. You are an unpaid volunteer. You deserve this product!

Does DIY-BC support an accounting system?
Yes. DIY-BC supports a cash accounting system. We don’t support accrual accounting nor do we believe there is any need for your average body corporate to be implementing accrual Accounting.

Does DIY-BC support GST?
Yes. Whilst most self managed bodies corporate are not registered for GST, we fully support GST for those that do.

Are insurance levies supported?
Yes, there is an option to have insurance levies separated out when contribution statements are issued.

Are all states supported?
Currently only QLD legislation has been implemented.

Should everyone use DIY-BC?
DIY-BC will not be right for every body corporate. Read our guidance on whether it is right for you.


How can I pay for our subscription?
We accept cheque, BPAY and PayPal. Credit cards can be used through PayPal. Setting up your new subscription normally takes five business days after payment is received. This time can vary depending upon how long it takes to receive all the necessary documentation from you.

How can I renew my subscription?
Subscription renewal invoices are emailed one month in advanced of expiry. Accounts are suspended once a subscription expires.

Can I upgrade my subscription?
Yes, just call or email us and we can work through how we can change the subscription and allow for appropriate pro-rata adjustments for a part year.

What if I don’t like DIY-BC?
We offer a 30 day money back guarantee. Please try the DEMO software service to make sure your expectations are likely to be met.

When does my subscription start and end?
The subscription commences from the date we email you confirmation that the service has been established and is ready to use. The subscription expires one year from that date.

What happens if our subscription expires?
No-body within your organisation will be able to log into DIY-BC until the subscription is paid. Any automated levies that are set to generate will not be triggered. The service will be reactivated once the subscription is paid.


What are the system requirements?
An internet enabled device with web browser capability is required. Browsers are required to be configured to accept cookies. Typically, this requires that your privacy policy must be set to be no more restrictive than medium high. A random number cookie is used so that you can be uniquely identified after a successful login. We do not use cookies for any other purpose. It is preferable that scripting is also enabled.

Do I download software to use the service?
No, there is no software to be downloaded to use our system. The user interacts with our cloud based web server using their favourite web browser.


Can I stop users modifying their own details?
Yes, an organisation’s administrator can restrict stakeholders (by category of membership) from having this capability. When the capability is not restricted, personal details can be modified with the exception of the stakeholder’s name. This can only be modified by the administrator.

Does a lot owner need an email address?
A dummy email address needs to be created for the stakeholder. This can be auto-generated by DIY-BC or it can be set by the organisation administrator directly.

Can two users have the same email address?
Yes, this is supported.


Are details kept private from other lot owners?
Yes, this can be done at three levels. At the highest level, the organisation can decide that all stakeholders details are private and shall not be made known to other stakeholders. At an individual level, each member can decide if their own details shall be made known to other stakeholders. Finally, that granularity can be extended to a particular detail such as home phone or mobile.

Are details private from other bodies corporate?
Yes, this is always the case. In fact, if an individual is a lot owner in two bodies corporate that are both using the Tracsafe system, then there will be two sets of entirely separate records administered by two separate organisations. There will be two passwords which the owner can manually change to be the same.

Do I need to give login access to to all owners?
No. However, this may be useful so that they can access their own details; view contribution statements online and see all the body corporate collateral. They are able to update their own personal details if access is granted.


How do I recover my password?
All stakeholder login names are based on email address. A stakeholder who has forgotten their password can auto generate a password recovery email provided the email address used for the login name is valid. Additionally, if a mobile number has been recorded, the password will be sent as a text. If this fails, then the body corporate’s administrator (usually the secretary) can reset the stakeholder’s password.

Can any user request support?
No, support requests must only come through the users who have the full acount privilege of their body corporate (usually the secretary). Our expectation is that these privileged users can resolve all stakeholder issues.
Tracsafe can help
Try the demo software, and/or get convinced and then buy your cloud based body corporate self managed software subscription. If you want Tracsafe to take more of the administrative tasks then review our alternate services.