Queensland body corporate bookkeeping service
Tracsafe offers a unique body corporate bookkeeping service across all of Queensland. This is ideal for bodies corporate that have an active committee but struggle with generating and issuing levy notices, receipting payments from lot owners, calculating penalties and discounts in accordance with the Act, paying expenses, reconciling bank accounts, creating disclosure statements (206), issuing information forms (form 13) and finalising financial statements at year end. Additionally, the committee has access to the Tracsafe DIY-BC cloud software that minimises the time and effort at AGM time.
One of the big benefits over DIY is that we can offer a range of payment options to lot owners. Have a look at this levy notice to see the options which include payment by BPAY, credit card, bank transfer. The local post office can also accept a cheque. Review more of the sample reports to get a feel for the extent of the system.
Request a quote
Request an online quotation by completing the form below. If you do not receive your quotation within two business days, please call us on our contact phone numbers. The number of expenses does not need to be exact – think about how many contractors come to your scheme and how often they come. Here is a simple example – one insurance premium, one termite inspection, one bookkeeping fee, twelve gardening services – total of 15 expenses.
What you need to know
We will setup the system using the Tracsafe DIY-BC cloud software. For administration efficiency, the body corporate bank account is required to be opened through the Bank nominated by Tracsafe. Levies will be automatically generated and sent by both email and post. Bodies corporate that are GST registered are supported in addition to the normal situation where a body corporate is not registered for GST. Our system implements a cash based accounting approach which is much more intuitive for most lot owners than a accrual accounting approach. We support bodies corporate with as many as one hundred lots in the scheme. Full details of our service can be read in our contract which will be sent should you request a quotation.